Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Headbands and flowers

Some time ago I saw a bunch of blog posts about making flowers with felt. Some were put on headbands and some on pins. I also saw some pretty cool designs on pillows.

These were my attempt at that fad. I do like the end results mostly, but I don't wear blingy head stuff. My daughter has worn a few but mostly they just hang on hooks, looking pretty and alone.

Just in case there are people who have not done this yet, or are wondering if it is hard, let me advise.
Super easy and instant gratification (which I love).

All you need is different colors of felt, scissors, lighter or candle, and a glue gun. I had a little bowl of water nearby in case of extra burnage too.

If you are going to do rosettes you can follow the tutorial here (scroll down a bit). Or you can just freehand flower shapes. I also cut out some leaf shapes.
I held the cut ends over a candle flame for a second, some of them I did too long and really darkened them. Again, that is why the bowl of water

Once you have your flowers you can use your hot glue gun and glue them right to the headbands. If you want you can cut a small circle of felt and glue that to the inner part of the headband to cover the (potential) glue mess.
Being the creative girl that I am I decided to vary the inner part with buttons, rhinestones, beads, etc.
This is definitely a craft I would consider getting out for the kids to do. Of course if you are a safe mom, you will do the flame part. My kiddos are a bit older then the kiddos from the blogs I read.

Just for fun here is a shot of my #2 son in the suit he just had to have for his 6th grade 'celebration'. Yes, that is a purple shirt and yes, those are converse. But isn't he cute squinting in the sun?

And for those of you who thought your kids' school ended the latest, my kidlets last day was today:)

Linked up at House of Hepworths
and Thirty Handmade Days  
and Tatertots and Jello

Friday, June 10, 2011

Holding your hooks and holding up your pants

This lovely item was a request I got on whoopdwhoop. Have I mentioned that I love that site? Anyway, a while back I found this great tutorial here at Little Birdie Secrets. This is a great blog. If you have not already checked it out you should.
So, I made one of these for my bestie a while back and thought I would see if anyone on whoopdwhoop might want it. I followed the tutorial without any problem.
 I love how it turned out. I will be making more of these in the future.

My belt was worn out to the point that I used some black duct tape on it to stop the tearing. I was definitely needing a new one. I found a great tutorial hereLiving with Punks is another great blog. 
 Another very easy to follow tutorial.

I can't wait to share more of the stuff I have been making. I will be posting more very soon.

I am linking up here:

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

"Sew" sign

I saw an idea like this a couple weeks ago on another blog, I can't remember which one so I can't give proper credit. 
I did mine a bit differently.
This is super easy peasy and you can make any words with this. 
Here is what you need:
  1. 3 wood plaques (4")
  2. wood letters to fit
  3. ModPodge
  4. Craft paint
  5. E6000 or other glue
  6. scrapbook paper
  7. Brushes
  8. Something to cover work surface
  9. Picture hangers (optional)
Paint the plaques on the sides and edges. Your paper will cover the inside. I used about 2 coats.
 While that is drying paint the letters. I painted them the same color as the plaques.
Cut your paper to fit just inside the square and use Modpodge to stick it. I did 2 coats I think.
Once everything dried I attached the hanger things to the back. Sorry, I don't know what they are called.
I used my trusty E6000 to glue the letters on. I stacked books on top so they would not shift.
Here is what they look like all done:
These were so easy to make and I love how they look. I am going to hang them up over my sewing machine.
Sorry I don't have pictures of the whole process, I am just trusting that it is simple enough that the explanation is enough.

Linked up at Not Just A Housewife,
 Vintage Wanna Bee
Bacon Time