I promised my two youngest that I would make them each a bag for school this year. All summer long they asked me when I was going to make their bags. Every day. Finally, the week before school started (the night before for Emma) I got to making their bags.
Jakob was not too picky. He wanted black or blue or some combination of the two. I was able to score some black denim from Joann’s with my half off coupon. After looking online for the perfect bag for him I realized he would need a contrasting fabric for the lining. Lucky for him me I had some cool skull flannel that I was hoarding saving for him.
I used this tutorial for his bag. I really like how it turned out. The zipper opening is super cool. I had to refresh myself on zipper pockets but she posts a link to a great tutorial so that was no problem.
Jakob is totally loving his new bag. The skull fabric really makes the bag. Jakob even brought it to the 'Meet and Greet' at his school because he wanted to tell his teacher that his mom MADE it for him.
I recommend this tutorial, it was easy to follow and had plenty of pictures. It did not make for a very big bag though. A binder barely fits. That is ok for us, Jakob is in 3rd grade and they use folders. I just want to point that out though in case you decide to make one.
The second bag was for Emma. I took her fabric shopping several weeks ago. She is on a plaid kick right now so she went right up to the suiting fabric and picked out a great pink plaid. I like it because it is pretty thick and I think it will be durable.
For the lining Emma picked out a black and white plaid. There was no telling her that would be too busy. This is a girl who knows what she wants.
I bought a pattern for her bag and we bought some buttons to go on it, based on what the pattern required. Now, if you know me you will also know that I have not yet successfully used a pattern to sew anything. Mind you, I am still a beginner, but I tend to look online for tutorials full of pictures in loo of a tissue pattern.
I waited and waited to make this bag. I am not sure what I was thinking. I knew how long it took me to make Jakob's bag so there was no illusions there. But still I waited. Poor Emma. I kept changing my mind about which bag to make her.Finally, last night, the night before school starts, I found the bag I wanted to make her. You can find it here. I liked this bag immediately. It is quite a bit larger then the one I made for Jakob. That is good, Emma is in 5th grade and needs room for a binder and all the other stuff she (willingly) carries.
I added a zipper pocket to the inside (at Emma's request). I also made a pocket in the front and sewed a few rows to hold pencils. I kind of checked the length of the strap on Emma but not good enough. As you can see the bag hangs pretty low on her. Easy fix though, I will get some type of buckle thingy (technical name) and make it adjustable.
Emma loves her bag. She also said that many of her friends liked it and asked where she got it. I am a lucky enough mom that she still thinks it is cool to say "My mom made it for me"